Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Emergent Village and Doctrinal Statements

While I personally am a fan of very basic doctrinal statements, I thought this article from was an interesting take on the Postmodern view of such ideas. I often wonder if my desire for concrete doctrinal statements as a sort of "bar" over which people and organizations must clear is part of my own human nature, or more part of my brain functioning from a Modern context. I do know that as I've come more in touch with our Postmodern reality I've become less needy of long, strict doctrinal statements. I only need like three, maybe four roman numeraled points to feel comfortable now, as opposed to the ten to fifteen I used to like.

In any event, this article is also an interesting insight into the unique situation of the Emergent Village. While I'm becoming less and less inclined to consider myself among the ranks of "emergents" every day, I do admire the fact that they won't cave in to critical pressure to nail down a set of specific beliefs.

This article was originally taken from :

“Doctrinal Statement(?)”

Originally posted, May 4, 2006

From Tony Jones, National Coordinator, Emergent Village

Yes, we have been inundated with requests for our statement of faith in Emergent, but some of us had an inclination that to formulate something would take us down a road that we don’t want to trod. So, imagine our joy when a leading theologian joined our ranks and said that such a statement would be disastrous. That’s what happened when we started talking to LeRon Shults, late of Bethel Seminary and now heading off to a university post in Norway. LeRon is the author of many books, all of which you should read, and now the author of a piece to guide us regarding statements of faith and doctrine. Read on…

From LeRon Shults:

The coordinators of Emergent have often been asked (usually by their critics) to proffer a doctrinal statement that lays out clearly what they believe. I am merely a participant in the conversation who delights in the ongoing reformation that occurs as we bring the Gospel into engagement with culture in ever new ways. But I have been asked to respond to this ongoing demand for clarity and closure. I believe there are several reasons why Emergent should not have a “statement of faith” to which its members are asked (or required) to subscribe. Such a move would be unnecessary, inappropriate and disastrous.

Why is such a move unnecessary? Jesus did not have a “statement of faith.” He called others into faithful relation to God through life in the Spirit. As with the prophets of the Hebrew Bible, he was not concerned primarily with whether individuals gave cognitive assent to abstract propositions but with calling persons into trustworthy community through embodied and concrete acts of faithfulness. The writers of the New Testament were not obsessed with finding a final set of propositions the assent to which marks off true believers. Paul, Luke and John all talked much more about the mission to which we should commit ourselves than they did about the propositions to which we should assent. The very idea of a “statement of faith” is mired in modernist assumptions and driven by modernist anxieties – and this brings us to the next point.
Such a move would be inappropriate. Various communities throughout church history have often developed new creeds and confessions in order to express the Gospel in their cultural context, but the early modern use of linguistic formulations as “statements” that allegedly capture the truth about God with certainty for all cultures and contexts is deeply problematic for at least two reasons. First, such an approach presupposes a (Platonic or Cartesian) representationalist view of language, which has been undermined in late modernity by a variety of disciplines across the social and physical sciences (e.g., sociolinguistics and paleo-biology). Why would Emergent want to force the new wine of the Spirit’s powerful transformation of communities into old modernist wineskins? Second, and more importantly from a theological perspective, this fixation with propositions can easily lead to the attempt to use the finite tool of language on an absolute Presence that transcends and embraces all finite reality. Languages are culturally constructed symbol systems that enable humans to communicate by designating one finite reality in distinction from another. The truly infinite God of Christian faith is beyond all our linguistic grasping, as all the great theologians from Irenaeus to Calvin have insisted, and so the struggle to capture God in our finite propositional structures is nothing short of linguistic idolatry.

Why would it be disastrous? Emergent aims to facilitate a conversation among persons committed to living out faithfully the call to participate in the reconciling mission of the biblical God. Whether it appears in the by-laws of a congregation or in the catalog of an educational institution, a “statement of faith” tends to stop conversation. Such statements can also easily become tools for manipulating or excluding people from the community. Too often they create an environment in which real conversation is avoided out of fear that critical reflection on one or more of the sacred propositions will lead to excommunication from the community. Emergent seeks to provide a milieu in which others are welcomed to join in the pursuit of life “in” the One who is true (1 John 5:20). Giving into the pressure to petrify the conversation in a “statement” would make Emergent easier to control; its critics could dissect it and then place it in a theological museum alongside other dead conceptual specimens the curators find opprobrious. But living, moving things do not belong in museums. Whatever else Emergent may be, it is a movement committed to encouraging the lively pursuit of God and to inviting others into a delightfully terrifying conversation along the way.

This does not mean, as some critics will assume, that Emergent does not care about belief or that there is no role at all for propositions. Any good conversation includes propositions, but they should serve the process of inquiry rather than shut it down. Emergent is dynamic rather than static, which means that its ongoing intentionality is (and may it ever be) shaped less by an anxiety about finalizing state-ments than it is by an eager attention to the dynamism of the Spirit’s disturbing and comforting presence, which is always reforming us by calling us into an ever-intensifying participation in the Son’s welcoming of others into the faithful embrace of God.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Urbana '06: A Radical Re-Shaping of My Worldview

I attended InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's huge, once-every-three-years conference in St. Louis in the last few days of December '06. This was my first time attending Urbana, and I can say that I'll make every effort to be at every Urbana that happens for the rest of my life.

"Urbana" is a huge missions conference that attracts a lot of attention in the evangelical world. It used to be held in Urbana, outside Chicago. This last time they outgrew the facilities in Chicago, so they moved it to St. Louis. This year it was attended by 22,500 people, the majority of which are college students. People from all the states and provinces of the U.S. and Canada were there, as well as representatives from over 50 countries. About 300 missions organizations and 25 seminaries sent representatives and recruiters.

Attendees stayed at various hotels all around downtown St. Louis, MO, basically taking over the downtown area. Our daily schedule was pretty intensive, but highly worth it. Every morning there was a bible study on the book of Ephesians, followed up by a morning session of worship, preaching, and an expository on Ephesians by Ajith Fernando, the director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka. The morning session was followed by lunch and two seminar sessions, where you could pick from a list of about 30 seminars to attend. After this was dinner and then the evening worship/testimony/preaching session. Good stuff.

My experience was really eye-opening. Since it was a missions conference, the focus was on the global church, and how christianity is "done" in other countries.

The biggest lesson I took away from it was a refreshed view of the global church. My whole life I've seen the U.S. as the center of Christendom, as the "city upon a hill" as far as world Christianity is concerned, regardless of whether or not we're officially a "Christian Nation". I was floored--humbled--to find that this, in fact, isn't the case anymore. America has about 100 million nominal evangelicals, and this number is decreasing annually. Africa has 360 million evangelicals--more than America--and China now has about 100 million christians. This last fact was really encouraging for me because I remember, about ten years ago, thinking how futile it was to send christian missionaries to china when they faced violent opposition from the government. Apparently it was worth it. The most flooring statistic I learned was that, on average, there were 36,000 new converts a day in Africa last year. On average, the "Western Church" lost 6,000 people a day. Africa is, or soon will be, the center of Christendom.

Check out this video to totally blow your mind on the global situation of the church (at least, it blew mine). It's long but it's worth it:

I was very amused by the way the guy refer's to what we might call the "Third World" as the "Two-Thirds World", totally mocking the condescending nature of the West's outlook towards so-called "underdeveloped" non-western nations. After all, they're the majority.

The focus of the conference was putting faith into action, combining gospel truth with virtuous acts. There was a huge focus on the AIDS crisis in Africa and how Christians can, and are, responding to it. There were great teachings on racial reconciliation and urban ministry. I'll post more when I have time to write on them individually. Until then, I suggest making plans for Urbana '09.